sexta-feira, 21 de julho de 2006

Absolutamente gigante

If only we believed that tomorow will be bigger than today. If only we could trust ourselfs and know that we could do better. If only we believe that we can change somethings. We never know how the story is going to end. But we know how to start it. Because nothing starts without a beggining.

If it was easy, there would be no fun at all.

5 comentários:

Anônimo disse...

Just for fun we tasted the google blogger searcher and found yours. This was our beginning, but not an absolut giant one.
What is bigger than the universe and smaller than a quark. Dead people eat it. Alive people, if did that, would be dead too.

Anônimo disse...

responde meu e-mail :o)

mo disse...

que e-mail?
Quem é?
Não recebi nenhum e-mail de ninguém!!
Mande de volta anônimo....

Anônimo disse...

voce deve ter excluido sua burra.. eu mandei de um e-mail diferente..
have a good nigth loirinha..

Anônimo disse...

a proposito.. legal seu texto..